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Instagram gives free gifts on WhatsApp in “prize activity” #fake

Rumour – Instagram launched an action on WhatsApp in which it gives free gifts in an “awards activity” to everyone who shares a link in the app.

And here we go with another one of those crazy promises that circulate on WhatsApp. This time, the message that circulates online points to an alleged Instagram action that would result in “free gifts”.

A link accompanying the words “Award activity on Instagram Free gifts for everyone!” is circulating along with a link to a weird website (in the version we saw it was a .cn domain website from China).

On the website in question, there is the announcement that Instagram would be giving “1000 reais” to people who answered some questions and shared the link of the Chinese website with friends on WhatsApp (not without first going through a “draw” of boxes). Read the message that circulates online:

Award activity on Instagram Free gifts for everyone! Congratulations! Today, April 2, 2021, you have been chosen to participate in our survey. It will take you just a minute and you will receive a fantastic prize: 1000 REAL! Each Friday we randomly choose 100 users to give them a chance to win incredible prizes. Today’s prize is 1000 REAL! There will be 100 lucky winners. This survey aims to improve the quality of the service provided to our users and their participation will be rewarded 100%.

You only have 4 minutes and 22 seconds to complete this survey! Hurry up, the number of prizes available is limited! Question 1 of 4: Are you male or female? Male Female Question 2 of 4: How old are you? 18-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Question 3 of 4: How do you rate Instagram services? Very good Unbelievable OK Not so good Question 4 of 4: Do you like instagram? Yes No

Congratulations, your answers have been successfully saved! Based on your answer, you have a chance to win gifts. You must select the correct box with your prize inside. You have 3 attempts. Good luck! OK Congratulations! You guessed! Your cash prize is: 1000 REAL Follow the instructions on the next page to claim your prize!

OK Congratulations! Your prize is 1000 REAL, follow the instructions on the next page to claim your prize! 1. Share with 5 groups / 20 friends on WHATSAPP (click on the “WhatsApp” icon below) 2. Click on “Continue” to receive gifts. WhatsApp Share until the blue bar is full! Continue This offer is valid for 500 seconds.

Does Instagram give free gifts on WhatsApp in “prize activity”?

What was not lacking was people (or robot, whatever) sharing the message on social networks. However, it is not true that Instagram is giving such gifts on WhatsApp in such prize activity.

In reality, the message that is circulating online is strictly the same as that of other scams that we have denied here (and we explain in this text) . The only differences are the name of Instagram and the prize in question (1000 reais, written anyway).

As in other cases, even if you follow all the steps outlined in the message, nothing happens at the end. You are just redirected to another website that has nothing to do with the Instagram brand. In some cases, it is a website redirected through advertising. In others, it is a very heavy website that will make your cell phone or computer crash. There is also the chance that you will be directed to another site with fake offers.

Of course, when searching for any Instagram action for those who share the link to the site in question, we found nothing. The social network would not make a promotion on a website that has nothing to do with the official, much less would create messages with gross errors like “thousand real”.

In short: the story that points out that Instagram is giving prizes to people who enter a website with Chinese domain (or any other stranger), answer questions and share the link with friends is false. It is another new chapter of an old scam that circulates on the internet.

This is an english version from this text. If you would like to read in portuguese, click here.

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